Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sports Movies

For someone who doesn't really care for sports, I sure do cry a lot when I watch sports movies. I just finished Rudy, the incredible movie starring Sean Astin that's based on a true story--if you haven't seen it, stop reading right now and go buy it. BUY it. Watch it. It's incredible. The character of Rudy grows up with a dream, to play football for Notre Dame, and everyone, including his teachers, parents, and older brothers, mock him and tell him that his dreams are hopeless. They tell him that he is too poor, too stupid, too small, and just all around too not-good-enough to ever make his dream a reality. The only person who takes him seriously is his best friend.
Rudy decides to show all the people who doubt him that they are wrong, and he works tirelessly towards his goal, suffering many setbacks and disappointments, until his hard work and determination become an inspiration to everyone around him.
That's what I love about sports movies: they are so inspiring. At the end, when all of Rudy's efforts come to fruition and he experiences his dream come true, I defy anyone not to feel stirred and hopeful and inspired.
I love finishing a movie that creates that empowering kind of finale, and since so many sports movies seem to have that magic, I may not be much of a sports fan (much to my hubby's chagrin), but I will always be a fan of good sports movies.

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