Monday, August 1, 2011

My Rhyming Name

Since getting married in March, I have spent many dollars and endless seeming hours presenting the necessary paperwork, in the necessary order, to various people and their copy machines in the process of changing my name. With only one update to go (my passport), it is now official: my name rhymes.
When Carlos and I first started dating, I never expected that 4.5 years later we would exchange vows. Thus, it didn't seem important that his last name, Estrada, rhymed with my first name, Renate. My first name and maiden name is/was German and both have been butchered in spelling and pronunciation my whole life, but my whole maiden name was so German and awesome and unique that it never bothered me. Now, when I call people on the phone or introduce myself, I give my name, and my first instinct is to giggle. If I want to laugh and make fun of me, what must be the reaction of others?
It was and still is very important to me to take the last name of my husband, to show not only my commitment to him, but also that we are a new family and a whole unit, and I certainly have no regrets. I just feel ridiculous when I tell people my name :) In the spirit of fun, however, I am willing to share the absolute most silly thing to come out of this situation: my theme song.

My Rhyming Name
(to be sung to the tune of "Hakuna Matata")
Renate Estrada
What a wonderful name!
Renate Estrada
For the rest of my days!
It means I'm married
For today and always
It's my married name
My rhyming game
Renate Estrada!

Ahem. Thank you. Thank you very much.

1 comment:

  1. From the moment I realize that your married name would rhyme - I loved it! I think I told you then (and still maintain) that it sounds like a superhero name or some great character in a book. It is awesome.
