Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Yellow Light!

One of my favorite things about driving is being alone in the car, blasting my music, and singing along at the top of my lungs. Recently, my husband introduced me to the game "yellow light," which involves striking the car ceiling (interesting when you've just put the top down on the convertible) and claiming any traffic light that turns yellow before anyone else in the car sees it. I refused to play this game at first, but thanks to my OCD nature, I soon began noticing yellow lights everywhere, and at this point I can sing along, pause just long enough to call "yellow light!" and hit the ceiling before resuming my American Idol impression as smoothly as though I'd been singing all along. Carlos and I are evenly matched, but be warned: our skills are quite impressive. We will absolutely destroy any other competition. Road trips just got so much interesting ;)

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