Sunday, August 7, 2011

San Diego!

Hurray, Vacation! This weekend I didn't have work, and since it was 100+ degrees in Phoenix, we decided to make the most of it and escape to the coast for a few days.
We used an app for the iPhone called hotel finder to make last minute reservations (thanks, honey, for being so resourceful!) and our first night was amazing! We stayed in the Gaslamp Plaza Suites, a converted hotel that was originally the first ever skyscraper built in San Diego, way back in 1913! For anyone familiar with my obsessive love of American history and the early 20th century especially, this was obviously a big thrill. Our room was tiny that the bathroom was almost the same size, but we loved it.
Also, the next morning, they served a yummy free breakfast--on the roof! We had a great view--and counted almost a dozen flags flying from the tops of various skyscrapers, including ours. Gotta love the American pride!
Saturday we spent the whole day at SeaWorld, using our year passes that we got for our honeymoon. Last time we were there, of course, it was March, which meant that a) it was much colder, and b) there were fewer people. This time there were small chldren everywhere! It was kind of like an obstacle course navagating the crowds and trying not to step on any tiny kids. Last time we visited, Carlos wanted to sit in the "soak zone" at the Shamu show, and the signs do not lie--we got soaked! And because it was March, just as the show started, the clouds came and stole away the warm sunshine I was counting on to get dry. The result? Last time we were cold and miserable for half the day, and this time we did all the water rides early in the day and avoided the soak zones. We also had a blast! It was especially cool to see the night shows. Our favorite was the Sea Lions--those guys are hilarious! All the shows were spectacular, of course; I just love watching the animals swim and leap from the water; they're so majestic! I think my favorite might be the dolphins--they always look like they're smiling and laughing, especially after they splash you! I love the playful attitude they exude.
After we saw the night shows, it was time for the fireworks: glorious! I love firework displays, and this one did not disappoint. It was beautiful, and lasted a solid 10 minutes (ish).
That night we stayed in another great hotel, this one in the historic Old Town district only a few minutes from the park. It was really beautifully designed, with lots of dark wood and white stucco, and we had a much bigger room! Breakfast on Sunday was in the courtyard with lots of greenery and a fountain; beautiful. It definitely felt like vacation, especially since it was only 60-something degrees at 10 in the morning.
We had planned to rent a tandem bike out on Coronado island Sunday, but by the time we made it out to the rental shop they were out of tandem bikes, so we decided to just head home.
And so now I am typing this as we drive back to Phoenix! (I love my ipad!) I had a wonderful weekend escaping the heat with my hubby. Really, there is no better way to travel than road tripping with my man; what woman wouldn't enjoy listening to romantic songs in Spanish while her husband translates? Yup, this is the life! See you again soon, Phoenix!

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